
FIVB rules will apply, unless otherwise stated.

***IMPORTANT - Invado Inclusivity & Fair Play Policy is now in-effect for all Invado events***

Invado events are inclusive & safe spaces where ALL athletes are welcome to play.  Trans athletes have always been a part of our programs, and we continue to encourage their involvement and enjoyment of our leagues, tournaments, and clinics. However, as per our player survey conducted in June 2024 (in response to numerous safety and fairness complaints from our female members), males transitioning or who have transitioned to female will be unable to qualify as the '2nd female' in co-ed events nor play in the front court in events where the net is lowered to women's height (7' 4" opposed to 7' 11" for men).  We thank you in advance for understanding this policy which again is being implemented in response to player concerns and to ensure that our events remain inclusive, fair, and SAFE for all Invado players.
  • Invado tournaments feature non-timed matches - all day long!
  • Pools of 5 teams: 1-set matches (25) against all other teams in the pool (capped at 27)
  • Pools of 4 teams: 2-set matches (25, 25) against all other teams in the pool (capped at 27, 27)
  • Pools of 3 teams: best 2 of 3 matches (25, 25, 15) against all other teams in the pool (capped at 27, 27, 17)
  • Unless stated otherwise, all matches will be self-officiated
  • ANY DISPUTED PLAYS (i.e. where one team disagrees with the other over a call) MUST BE HANDLED WITH A RE-SERVE 
  • Match winners must RECORD results (with scores of each set) at the convener table
  • Teams are required to start play 2, 5, or 10 minutes after previous match ends (varies based on no. of teams...please see tournament sched for exact warm-up time limit)
  • Teams are guaranteed an absolute MINIMUM of 6 full sets (games) on the day (but likely play more)
  • Teams must have a min. of 4 players on the court at all times
  • If playing with 4 players, the server will be considered a back-court player (i.e. no front-court hitting or blocking above the top tape, etc.)

    Late Start Penalties: Teams will lose 1 point for every minute they are late or unable to play (after the 5-minute window between matches has elapsed). If a team is late or unable to play for more than 15 minutes - the opposing team will receive a default win for the first set.  If an additional 15 minutes passes, then the 2nd set will be declared a default loss, as well

Basic Rule Reminders:

  • NEW RULE - as per recent rule changes, balls that hit the ceiling and stay on your own side of the net ARE in play
  • Teams must use one of the provided tournament balls (i.e. no different brands or styles)
  • Rally Point scoring system in effect (every rally results in a point)
  • No player may spike, block, or attack the serve ABOVE THE NET HEIGHT
  • Back-court players are not permitted to block or spike above the net height in the front court (in front of the 'attack line')
  • Opposing teams must be made aware that a Libero is being used and such player must be clearly pointed out
  • Players being used as Liberos are unable to hand-set the ball in front of the attack line
  • Liberos are not permitted to attack the ball above the height of the net
  • Players are not permitted to reach over the net (and into the opposing team's area) to contact the ball, unless the opposing team has already made a 3rd contact on the ball
  • If there are antennae in use, then the ball must travel inside the antenna to be considered in play.  If the ball travels outside the antenna to the opposing team, or makes contact with the antenna, then the rally is over and the ball is declared 'out of bounds.'  If there are no antennae in use, then the posts are to be used as the outer limits of the ball's path.
  • Players may play the ball after it bounces out of the net, but if the ball strikes the area of the net outside of the antenna, then the rally is over.
  • There is NO 5-serve rule in-effect in any of the tiers
  • Serves that hit the net and go over (let serves) are in play.
  • Balls that land on the line are considered to be IN the court of play.
  • Please call your own net and 'under the net' violations (contact with the net is only permitted after the ball has already landed or been declared 'down').
  • Players may make contact with the net or posts OUTSIDE the antennae (as long as such net contact does not benefit a teammate or affect an opposing player)
  • When setting a teammate with a volley, the ball should be contacted simultaneously with both hands.  In our higher tiers (elite & competitive), the expectation is that setters/players will call their own 'double contacts' or 'dirty sets' (NOTE - spin is no longer a clear indication that a 'double contact' has been made).
  • A 'lift' should be called when a player attempts to play the underside of the ball with an open hand and fails to use the base of the palm as the primary point of contact (fingers or centre of palm hold or 'lift' the ball).  When playing the ball in such a fashion, it is a better - & less contested - practice to use the 'thumb' side of a closed fist.
  • For events with no referees present, again, ALL DISPUTED CALLS MUST BE HANDLED WITH A RE-SERVE, no questions asked
  • Proper indoor footwear (court or training shoes) must be worn at all times
  • Teams must keep track of the game score. Frequently call out the score and use the on-net scoreboards to avoid disputes later on

    E-waiver Completion:
  • All eligible players must have completed a mandatory E-waiver (emailed to all participants at the time of registration)
  • Players who have not completed the e-waiver will be ineligible for tournament play
  • Captains are able to re-send E-waivers and correct email addresses (if necessary) in the 'Roster' area of their account at
  • All players should search inboxes & spam folders for the phrase 'Invado e-waiver' to locate the email

  • All teams qualify for tiered playoffs
  • Playoff seeding will be determined by points earned in pool play (1 point per set win)
  • Ties in overall standings will be broken via head-to-head results...if still tied, then head-to-head +/-...if still tied, then overall +/-...if still tied, rock/paper/scissors between captains
  • Playoffs will be tiered based on pool play results (top & bottom teams crossover) and will follow a best 2 of 3 format (25, 25, 15) - unless stated otherwise
  • There are no caps in any playoff sets (teams must win each set by at least 2 points)
  • Only winning teams move on (single elimination)
  • Prizes (and or cash - if specified) will be awarded to the winners of each tier

    Player Conduct - teams and players are reminded to be respectful of opponents and Invado staff. We organize events (and you sign-up) to have an enjoyable time on the courts. Nasty incidents, rudeness, or taunting, etc. ruin the fun for everyone. If there is a serious dispute on the court, please remember that a re-serve typically resolves things - and leaves the solution in the hands of the 'volleyball gods!')  If there's an issue relating to our policies or procedures, etc., please speak to our on-location staff or email our Tournaments Coordinator at