Sun Nov 17 - 12th Annual Movember Mo'VOLLEY


Last Updated: Jun 2024

NEW - Invado Inclusivity & Fair Play Policy in effect for all Invado events starting after Aug 1, 2024

Invado events are inclusive & safe spaces where ALL athletes are welcome to play.  Trans athletes have always been a part of our programs, and we continue to encourage their involvement and enjoyment of our leagues, tournaments, and clinics. However, as per our player survey conducted in June 2024 (in response to numerous safety and fairness complaints from our female members), males transitioning or who have transitioned to female will be unable to qualify as the '2nd female' in co-ed events nor play in the front court in events where the net is lowered to women's height (7' 4" opposed to 7' 11" for men)

We thank you in advance for understanding this policy which again is being implemented in response to player concerns and to ensure that our events remain inclusive, fair, and SAFE for all Invado players.

Team Registrations & Payment

When registering a team, the team captain must provide the following information:

  • Name and valid email address for each player listed on the roster (via email)
  • A valid number of team members depending on the format signing up for. Eg. Co-ed 6s would require 4 males and 2 females when registering. These requirements will be posted prior to each registration. Note: only players listed on your roster will be eligible to play.
  • Full payment is required online upon registration and payment must be made online

Captains may login to their account at anytime before specified 'Roster Freeze Dates' & update rosters as required.  Newly added/edited players will receive a copy of the e-waiver in their inbox (please check spam folders, as well)

Registration Cancellations

Cancellation requests must be submitted by team captains or by individual/parent registrants in writing to  Please note that refunds will only be provided in the event that Invado cancels an event or cannot find players/teams a suitable spot in a given program.  Once an adult our youth participant or team has registered for an event, then that registration is FINAL.  The individual, parent, or team may still pull out of the event, but there will be no credit or refund provided.
Registration Transfers
Registration transfer requests can be made via email to, however, are not usually able to be accommodated.  Again, players/parents are encouraged to consider their registrations as FINAL once they sign up.

NOTE - Invado reserves the right to alter formats or form hybrid leageus (4's & 6's leagues for example) in the event of low registration numbers to ensure a given event will run.  No refunds will be provided in such instances.

Games get cancelled for safety reasons only.  Even with weather-related cancellations, we are still often required to pay for facility rentals, staffing costs, and other costs associated with running our leagues.

As a result, we do not refund for cancellations beyond our control (for example: weather, facility repairs, etc).  However, when possible/appropriate we do try to reschedule the date lost, but cannot guarantee that in all cases.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Player Eligibility
  • During the regular season, only official team members can play for a team (i.e. they must be listed on the team roster and have completed their electronic e-waiver)
  • All players listed on the team roster at are eligible for playoff games, but must be able to produce photo ID (on playoff night only) in the event of a 'Playoff Roster Challenge)
  • If a player cannot produce Photo ID on playoff night, then they are ineligible to play
  • Ringers/cheating on playoff night is not taken lightly.  To combat this issue we've implemented early 'Roster Freeze Dates' and 'Roster Caps' - so teams are only listing players who actually attend league nights, week in and week out
  • Teams that use players who are not listed on a team roster may be subject to default and/or ejection from the league. Please respect this rule.
Player Conduct In-Person & Online

Invado leagues are safe, fun spaces for players of all ages and skill levels and our staff members.  For this reason, Invado reserves the right to suspend or ban (temporarily or indefinitely) any and all league members who consistently show poor sportsmanship or inappropriate behaviour towards league conveners, Invado admin, or fellow league/tournament participants.  This code of conduct extends to online spaces, too.  Of course, we understand that league or tournament participants may be upset with a certain policy or decision and may wish to send an email or direct message via our social media channels.  However, blatantly irrational & disrespectful emails or posts online about Invado on social media will result in immediate lifetime bans from any and all programming - and no refunds will be provided in such instances.


Teams must meet the minimum requirements (these requirements will be posted for each league); otherwise they are in a default situation.

Invado Volleyball may allow an exhibition game to take place between the two teams involved if they both agree, and if the schedule permits.


E-waivers must be completed by all members to validate their participation with Invado Volleyball.  Paper copies are no longer available on-site and e-waivers are only valid for one session or event.


Schedules will be posted at LEAST 24 hours prior to each date listed on your league page at Team Captains will be notified if there are any problems with scheduling (eg. cancellations) and expected to notify their own team. We do email all league members, as well, but it is a recommended practice for captains to do so, as well.  Invado Volleyball is not required to reschedule any games that teams cannot attend due to other commitments.  As mentioned above, we try our best but can't always reschedule games cancelled due to reasons beyond our control.

Tiering System

Invado Volleyball reserves the right to move teams or individuals up or down among the tiers from week-to-week.  Standard practice is for one team to move up/down among the tiers each week, based on their results in the preceding week, however we often have ties which could result in more than one team moving up/down in a given week.  We, also, use a variety of factors to break ties (in records) when deciding which team(s) to move up or down, including (in order):
  1. head-to-head record on the last night played...if still tied...
  2. head-to-head overall record...if still tied...
  3. higher/lower ranked team in overall standings...if still tied...
  4. number of wins...if still tied...
  5. number of games played in higher tiers
Player Contact Information

Invado Volleyball respects your privacy and will never share your contact info with any other league member or third party.  Players wishing to remain in contact with other players/league members should arrange to exchange player info, directly on-site with the teammate/player

Foul Weather Indoor Leagues

Inclement weather can cause the cancellation of league nights.  All players should pay close attention and watch for cancellation messages on our website (event info/schedule pages), on our social media outlets, and in your inboxes/spam folders (we email all league members directly)

Foul Weather Outdoor Leagues

We never cancel beach/outdoor leagues until we have eyes/ears on the sand!  If the forecast is in-question or the weather is poor, players should still report to the league location, as the weather may end up improving around/shortly after league start-times.  On-site conveners reserve the right to make the decision to continue or cancel games on-site.  For beach volleyball, games will only be cancelled if abbreviated games (of at least 10 minutes each) cannot be played before exact cancellation 'drop-dead' times vary depending on each league location & size, etc.

In the event of severe weather (electrical storms etc.) during game-play, outdoor games should immediately be stopped and players should take cover away from open spaces (off the sand and in a car is best).  League conveners will let players know if games are to be cancelled or if the night may continue.  Again, if the remainder of the nightly schedule can not fit in before darkness (in the form of abbreviated games of at least 10 minutes in length), then the night will be cancelled.


Invado Volleyball conveners keep track of game results on site. Team captains are responsible for ensuring that results are correctly recorded. If there are any concerns with the published results on please direct your enquiry to

League Standings

Teams receive 2 points for each win, plus 1 point for each loss.  Additional points are awarded for games played in higher tiers, as well, to ensure that overall standings remain indicative of the actual skill levels of teams in a league.  Reminder - in leagues/events with timed games, no ties are allowed.  Please serve out a final, deciding point if the score is tied at the time of the final whistle.  Ties in the final standings will be broken by head-to-head results over the session (1st).  If still tied, the team with most wins will be awarded the higher playoff seed.  Standings are always updated and posted on our website. Please email if you have any questions/concerns


ALL teams in Invado Volleyball leagues qualify for league playoffs. In order to be eligible for participation on playoff nights, players must be listed on team roster at (and produce photo ID on playoff night, if requested).  It is difficult for Invado staff and fellow league members to remember/PROVE that each and every player has played in the league prior to playoff night, so early 'roster freeze dates' and roster caps are in-place to help eliminate the use of 'ringers' on playoff nights...please respect the game and help us keep playoff nights as fun and as fair as possible for all players by not testing these rules or bring new faces on playoff night - it ruins the fun for everyone involved...thanks!

League Prizing

League prizes are awarded on playoff nights. All league winners should grab their prizing and let us snag a team pic...Invado Volleyball reserves the right to determine prizing and allotment to teams

Minimum Age Requirements

Unless stated otherwise, players must be a minimum of 16 years of age to participate in any 'adult' Invado Volleyball league, tournament or event.  Youth leagues generally are for players aged 12-17, unless stated otherwise.  Players MAY be permitted to participate below the recommended age, however full parental/guardian permission must be expressed in writing via email (and via Individual E-waiver completion) and submitted prior to any games being played.

First aid

Invado Volleyball will endeavour to always have staff on site with First Aid/CPR certification. In the event that this is not possible, conveners are not permitted or authorized by Invado Volleyball to perform first aid. If the injury is serious, conveners should call for an ambulance unless friends/family are on-site and may accompany the injured individual to the hospital, if medical treatment is necessary (recommended of course).  All Invado staff have basic First Aid kits on-site (ice packs, tensors, band aids, athletic tape) but - despite our best efforts - Invado Volleyball cannot guarantee that all medical supplies will be on-site or in-supply when needed

Blood During Games

Players who have suffered a cut or any injury where blood is involved MUST leave the playing surface immediately and retrieve a band-aid or attempt to stop the bleeding.  The injured player will be unable to participate until the bleeding has stopped and the wound has been sufficiently covered and cleaned.


DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHILE PLAYING OR AT ANY LEAGUE SITE IS NOT PERMITTED.  OFFENDERS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE LEAGUE WITHOUT A REFUND. Alcohol is not permitted in any of our indoor facilities or at any of the outdoor courts/parks that Invado Volleyball utilizes.  Thanks in-advance for helping us adhere to local by-laws (and not putting our league contracts at risk)!

Violence Policy/Unsportsmanlike Play

Invado Volleyball will not tolerate any violence or verbal abuse in leagues, tournaments or events.  To ensure the safety of our members we adhere to a zero tolerance policy. Invado Volleyball reserves the right to remove a player for the game, and/or suspend the individual up to and including the rest of the session depending on the specific nature and severity of the incident without financial compensation. This individual may also be refused admittance to future events.

Care and Respect for Facilities

Please respect all the facilities that Invado Volleyball uses. Please use the trash cans provided and clean up after yourself, and your team. If we are using a school, please use the specified areas only, and do not wander the schools in areas other than the gyms. Showers are not provided.

NOTE: All players will be required to appropriately reply to the E-waiver sent to them via email in-advance of the league start date.  If a player cannot find their e-waiver, they should perform an inbox/spam folder search for the phrase 'Invado E-waiver.'  If it is still not appearing, then your captain needs to edit your contact info and re-send the e-waiver by logging into their account at  NOTE - paper copies of the e-waiver are no longer available and they may only be accessed through email.