
15 WEEK Winter/Spring Session MENU

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3 weeks ago

Invado Volleyball volleyball leagues adult volleyball


It's here!  Invado's BIGGEST SESSION EVER starts in Jan 2025 and promises 15 WEEKS of fun through the darkest & coldest days of the year and right through the cool sunshine & showers of spring!  As with all our leagues, our extended Winter/Spring Session features amazing volleyball, separate tiers for players of ALL AGES & SKILL LEVELS, great music, friendly players & conveners, and the same great PER GAME rate you're used to paying!  So, SCROLL DOWN and book a spot on your own, with a friend, or as a full team before it's too late (roster caps have increased, too, by the way)...and enjoy the winter AND spring with Invado before we all hit the beach again in 2025!

Need help finding more players for your team?  No problem - register as an 'Individual' and we'll build a team with like-skilled players for you - OR - join our TEAM BUILDER FACEBOOK GROUP and find the player(s) or team you need today!
Here's what's on offer this winter & spring, and be sure to snag your spot today...
NOTE - MAX leagues feature 6 games/night, while our typical format features 4 games/night...and have finally come to Barrie & Peterborough in 2025!